Thursday, 1 February 2018

Hi there!

Hi there,
I am Carola from Italy and I am very very happy to take part in my high school’s Erasmus+ Project.  I will meet teenagers from Spain, Portugal and France, thus having the chance to have new friends to share ideas, photos and experiences with.
I wanted to take part in this European Project, because I like travelling and getting to know different cultures, lifestyles, ways of relating to events and other people.
Recently I have been studying in Montreal in Canada. Montreal is a wonderful city with a real multicultural society whose citizens come from all over the world.  There I really felt I was no longer just an Italian as well as a European citizen, but a world citizen.
It has been an amazing experience to study and live in a bilingual speaking country, where everybody could speak at least two or three languages.
And what about you? Are you also interested in foreign languages and cultures as I am? Have you ever been living and studying abroad? Did you like it?

See you soon, Carola  


  1. Ciao Carols! Mi chiamo Beatriz! I'm from Portugal and I know just a but of Italian since I went to Napoli two years ago. I joined this project because I loved the idea of it, that we are all migrants and as such should join our hands to help others. And as I am a migrant myself I felt compelled to join! I haven't been to Canada but I do have an aunt there and I have heard it is an amazing cultural mixture which I would love to experience. And to answer your question, I do love cultural diversity and I am quite interest to learn more languages. At the moment I am fluent in Portuguese and English as those are my native languages but like I said before I do speak some Italian and a bit of Romanian too. Recently I have been studying the basics of latins and ancient Greek as I want to be an archaeologist in the future. What about you? What would you like to be?

    Also my email is and if you'd like I also have WhatsApp and Facebook

    1. *Carola, sorry my autocorrent changed it to Carols

    2. *Carola, sorry my autocorrent changed it to Carols

    3. Hi Beatriz!

      I have no idea of what I am going to study at university when I will finish the high school I am attending. I am in the third year and there are other two years before my leaving it to go to university. Maybe I am going to do something connected with music because I love music. I play the guitar at the Conservatory (it is a sort of Music Accademy) in my town. I also love Maths and Arts. I will take a decision in the following years.

      You said you went to Naples two years ago. Did you like it? Who did you go there with? I love Naples and Neapoletans, because they are always happy and cheerful. I went there last February in occasion of my brother’s birthday. We spent a fantastic day out there!

      Do you practise any sports? I practise Kung Fu. I train for eight hours every week, because I take part in championships. I have already won two golden medals in two Interregionals Italian Championships. Now my following step is to win the National Italian Championships of Martial Arts that are going to be held in November in Sicily. I am training very hard to be ready to face this challenge.

      What about you? What is your next challenge?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi! Yes I loved Naples so much! It was very homey to me and I felt really welcomed there. I went with three teachers and three students. It was for our Erasmus project in Lavello. We were in Naples for two days and we even got to visit Pompeii.
    And regarding sports I love swimming but I haven't been able to exercise it for some time. However, recently i began practicing badminton and soon I'll begin playing in school competitions.

    My next challenge wouldnt be regarding sport but languages. In April I will travel to Germany and so I am trying to learn, at least the basics of German.

    And you? Do you have any travel plans soon?
