Thursday, 10 May 2018

Hi! This is the Italian team (Matteo, Giuseppe, Luana, Carmen, Mariapia, Liliana and Gaia). We are in Spain and today has been a very long but exciting, funny, touching and interesting day. We’ve visited the centre for refugees in the ancient city of Sigüenza in the Spanish hinterland, where we have met four refugees with an incredible and touching story (a Cameroon’s woman who has been discriminated for her sexual orientation; a couple of Palestine who is discriminated in Israel and who decided to come to Spain to seek asylum; a Russian couple who has been discriminated for religious orientation; a Colombian couple who seeks asylum and protection after they left Colombia where they lived in a dangerous area, known for terrorist attacks). All of them made us feel very touched by their story and their personality (happy for the protection and the peace they have received but still they are tried for their difficult and traumatic experience). This taught us how we have to be thankful for our life and to be lucky to live in peace, without problems of any kind. After this emotional experience, we visited the beautiful Sigüenza’s cathedral, with its gothic architecture and its long story (it was a place that was liked also by the king of Spain in the Middle Ages) and then we visited the beautiful ancient village. The lunch has been a new and pleasing experience because we ate for the first time the “paella”, one of the most well known specialities in Spain (it is rice with meat, fish and vegetables). After lunch, a brief break under the trees and then we made a long trip walking inside the national park of Alto Tajo, with its wonderful landscapes who remarks the old western movies and its fauna like vultures that were flying above us during our whole trip. It’s been exciting because some of us climbed on the side of a mountain and saw a waterfall along a steep and bumpy road, with many rocks and sand. We came back homesafe 😂😂and really tired but with more experience in our mind...

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