Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Poetry day. Students from Liceo Caracense High School reciting lovely poems in the renaissance courtyard.

On April 23rd, we celebrated at Liceo Caracense World Book Day. We celebrate it every year, but this time, it was connected to our Joining Hands project. Students with an immigrant background read poetry in their family's original language: Arabic, Romanian, Bulgarian, Italian, Chinese... And we also read chapters of "Don Quixote de la Mancha" in different languages. We are all travellers, and the whole school took advantage of another opportunity to celebrate diversity.
Here you have some photos and videos of the event.

Friday, 13 April 2018

Hi! We are the Spanish Team again😉. We are waiting for you to come to our city. We have a "Joining Hands Space" in our high school which we are decorating the best we can, but it is not easy and many people of the high school, even who are not in the project, they are helping us to make it look great and beautiful. Here you can see some pictures of decorating process.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Hi! We are the Spanish team; Anna, Sara and Alba. We want to tell you our experience during our formation to make debates.
We've been representing different countries in a model of United Nations, each one of us had to defend a stance about the situation in Middle East, more specifically, about Syrian conflict.
At the beginning, it was a little bit difficult because we had never participated in a MUN but then, after looking for much information, we started enjoining and we did good work.
We are glad to tell you that when all of you come here, you will participate in a similar experience. We are very sure that you will take benefit of it and you will learn new concepts, besides new people with different opinions.
